The test and it is running over ONL ( John's script ( is adopted to manage the tests. The NFD and NDN-cxx library that were used in the tests are the latest version. They were built with the standard default compilation options. I. Topology =========== The tests were run with 64 clients all routing through one central nfd router. Two scenarios are provided: content provided, and no content provided. In each of the scenarios, three different name length are used. Note that 64 different base names were given: end of name ranged from 000 to 063. Short: /abcde/000 Medium: /abcde/fghij/klmno/pqrst/000 Long: /abcde/fghij/klmno/pqrst/uvwxy/zabcd/efghi/jklmn/opqrs/tuvwx/yzabc/defgh/ijklm/nopqr/stuvw/xyzab/cdefg/hijkl/mnopq/rstuv/wxyza/bcdef/ghijk/lmnop/qrstu/000 A sequence number is appended by ndn-traffic to each Interest to force every name to be unique. II. Results =========== A. Approximate rate nfd was able to handle: Short: With content provided: 12000 Interests/s; W/o content provided: 40000 Interests/s Medium: With content provided: 10000 Interests/s; W/o content provided: 30000 Interests/s Long: With content provided: 4200 Interests/s; W/o content provided: 9600 Interests/s B. When the Interest send rate is below the threshold above, the loss rate is around 0.02%, which may be introduced when the test is killed.