


Task #3082

Updated by Vince Lehman almost 9 years ago

Currently, any changes to the parameters in the NLSR configuration file require NLSR to be restarted to take effect. 

 Instead, NLSR should subscribe to a signal and reload the configuration file in a manner similar to NFD. This will allow a user to change link-costs without restarting the NLSR daemon. 

 Necessary changes: 

 * main.cpp - listen for SIGHUP signal to trigger configuration reload; on signal, reload configuration file and notify NLSR 
 * conf-file-processor.cpp - clear m\_nlsr.getAdjacencyList() and m\_nlsr.getNamePrefixList() before processing respective sections; this will allow for a reload to replace the previously loaded configuration 
 * nlsr.cpp - An Nlsr::onConfigReload Nlsr::reload method should be added where to handle clean up or application of newly loaded configuration options can be handled 

 This task should provide the ability for parameters to be reloaded but should not implement the logic for each parameter. The logic for certain parameters should be added as necessary in separate tasks.
