


Task #1191

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 10 years ago

Implement This task includes implementation of EthernetChannelFactory, EthernetChannel, and EthernetFace. 

 **EthernetChannelFactory** can 

 * create an EthernetChannel for communication on a local MAC address via a local NIC   
   If an EthernetChannel with the same local MAC address and local NIC exists, that one should be returned. 
   *ethertype* is defined as a constant. 

 **EthernetChannel** represents a local MAC address and a local NIC. It can 

 * create an EthernetFace for multicast communication with one multicast group   
   If a multicast-EthernetFace with the same multicast group exists, that one should be returned. 

 **EthernetFace** represents a broadcast tunnel (multicast). 

 A multicast-EthernetFace should have a *libpcap* session 
 use ``libpcap`` to receive packets sent provide platform-independent way to the specific multicast group via the specific local NIC, 
 access and to send create raw packets to on the specific multicast group via the specific local NIC.   
 The *libpcap* session MUST NOT be placed into promiscuous mode. interface. 
