./waf configure Setting top to : /home/ndnusr1/sandbox/NFD Setting out to : /home/ndnusr1/sandbox/NFD/build Checking for 'g++' (C++ compiler) : /usr/bin/g++ Checking supported CXXFLAGS : -std=c++11 Checking supported CXXFLAGS : -pedantic -Wall -O2 -g Checking for program 'doxygen' : /usr/bin/doxygen Checking for program 'tar' : /bin/tar Checking for program 'sphinx-build' : /usr/bin/sphinx-build Checking for std::is_default_constructible : yes Checking for std::is_move_constructible : yes Checking for override specifier : yes Checking for program 'bash' : /bin/bash Checking for program 'pkg-config' : /usr/bin/pkg-config Checking for 'libndn-cxx' : yes Checking for librt library : yes Checking for libresolv library : yes Checking if privilege drop/elevation is supported : yes Checking for header ifaddrs.h : yes Checking boost includes : 1.54.0 Checking boost libs : ok Checking for boost linkage : ok Checking if Unix sockets are supported : yes Checking for WebSocket includes : 0.5.1 Checking if Ethernet face support can be enabled : yes Checking for libpcap library : yes Checking for function pcap_set_immediate_mode : yes 'configure' finished successfully (12.306s)