


Bug #1406

Updated by Yi Huang about 10 years ago

NFD commit e17349ac009d30ab5d0d39173b408e33621fab7e 

 ndn-cpp-dev commit 37e317f78931f5a1f01e2e82bf1d2ae13b6a2f74 

 ndn-traffic-generator commit fda32a3f278d81fb5c6920b91d655fbffcdd52e2 

 Platform: Ubuntu 12.04 

 Topology: Two hosts connected as A-B.  

 * A: 
 * B: 

 Steps to reproduce: 

 1. On A and B, make sure the config file "~/.ndn/client.conf" has the line "prefix=nfd-0.1" and start NFD (``sudo env NFD_LOG=all nfd``) 
 2. On A, use nfdc to create new udp tcp/udp face. I've tested both faces does not work.(``nfdc create udp4://``) or (``nfdc create tcp4://``) 

     Face creation succeeded: ControlParameters(FaceId: 7, Uri: udp4://, ) 
 3. On A, use nfdc to add a nexthop record to the tunnel, so that Interests under a certain prefix go to B. (``nfdc add-nexthop ndn:/example 7 0``) 
 4. On B, start ndn-traffic-server using the attached server config (``ndn-traffic-server NDNTrafficServer.conf``) 
 5. On A, start ndn-traffic client using the attached client config (``ndn-traffic NDNTrafficClient.conf``) 
 6. When the client generates enough interests, kill the client. The client log indicates that all interests are lost. 

 Expected result: 

 All interests get data back. 

 Additional information: 

 I tried to tcpdump on B and see packets from
