


Task #3922

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

When ChronoSync2013 announces a new sequence number for the user, it sends a Data packet where the content is encoded Protobuf SyncState object. If the application wants to send more info along with the sequence number announcement, announcement it could append extra info in the content after the SyncState message could have an optional field for the application info. object. This would not affect the root digest calculation and would be backwards compatible since an application can the Protobuf encoder will ignore bytes in the optional field. Data packet after the SyncState object. 

 ChronoSynce2013 should update publishNextSequenceNo to allow an optional Blob of application-specific info, and the SyncState state object provided to the onReceivedSyncState callback should provide the optional Blob incoming application-specific info. 

 (This feature is developed to support a use case in the Flume application to track the time stamp of sequence number updates.)
