Task #1660
Updated by Yingdi Yu over 10 years ago
ndn-cxx supports only one type of strong signature: SignatureSha256WithRsa. Signing process of RSA algorithm is slow on some platforms with limited resources (e.g., raspberry-pi). As a faster public-key signature algorithm, ECDSA seems to be a good alternative to RSA. In order to support ECDSA, several tasks are required: 1. Add ECDSA signature wire format into NDN-TLV packet format spec (http://redmine.named-data.net/issues/1650). 2. Add SignatureSha256WithEcdsa in ndn-cxx. 3. Add PublicKey::getKeyType method. 4. Support KeyType in SecPublicInfo. 5. Support ECDSA in SecTpm. 5.1. 5.1 Support ECDSA in SecTpmOsx. 5.2. 5.2 Support ECDSA in SecTpmFile. 6. Update KeyChain to use ECDSA.