CommandValidatorConf » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Yingdi Yu, 03/17/2014 12:47 PM) → Revision 3/55 (Yingdi Yu, 03/17/2014 03:24 PM)
# Command Validator Configuration Config File Format ==================================== You can set up a `Validator` via a ## Example configuration file. Next, we will show you how to write a configuration file. The configuration file contains rules that will be applied by `Validator`. Here is an example of configuration file. rule policies { for data policy name "Simple Rule" type self-defined definition { target prefix "/localhost/nrd" trust_model { type name hierarchical name "/localhost/example" condition isPrefixOf anchor-file "trust-anchor.cert" } } policy { signer prefix "/localhost/nfd" trust-model { type name fixed rule "/ndn/edu/ucla/KEY/yingdi/ksk-1234/ID-CERT" anchor-file "cert1.cert" condition equal anchor-file "cert2.cert" } } } rule { for data name "Testbed Validation Rule" type hierarchical trust-anchor { type file file-name "testbed-trust-anchor.cert" } } This configuration file consists of two rules. Each rule has its own name (which should be unique in the configuration file).