


PublicKey Info Base » History » Revision 35

Revision 34 (Yingdi Yu, 07/15/2014 09:23 AM) → Revision 35/79 (Yingdi Yu, 07/15/2014 04:31 PM)

Public key Info Base (PIB) Service 

 ## Public Key Info Management  

 NDN data packets are secured through digital signatures. 
 In order to generate a valid signature, an NDN application needs to know not only the correct key to use but also the correct public key information that should be put into the `KeyLocator` of a data packet.  
 The information needs to be managed locally on the system where the application is running. 

 The information related to keys is managed at three granularities: identities, keys, and certificates.  
 A key is always associated with a namespace, called "identity". 
 An identity however may have more than one keys. 
 Each key is named as `/<Identity>/[KeyId]`.  
 The `KeyId` uniquely identifies a key which belongs to the `Identity`. 
 Among these keys, only one is the default key of the identity. 
 If only identity is provided when signing a packet, the default key of the identity will be used to sign the packet. 

 A certificate is always associated with the key in the certificate 
 If a certificate is provided when signing a packet, the corresponding private key should be used to sign the packet  
 and the name of the certificate name may be put into the `KeyLocator` of the packet. 

 A key may have more than one certificates (e.g., certificates may be issued by different parties). 
 Among these certificates, only one is the default certificate of the key. 
 The default certificate of the default key of an identity is the default certificate of the identity. 
 If only identity is provided when signing a packet, the name of the default certificate of the identity may be put into the `KeyLocator` of the packet. 

 All the information above may be accessed by different APIs and applications on the same system,  
 therefore it is desirable to make the information provisioning as a system service.  

 Since public keys and certificates are supposed to be publicly available,  
 the service also serves as a local storage of certificate and public keys,  
 besides providing the public key related information. 

 ## PIB management model 

 The public key information of each system user is managed separately in PIB. 
 For now, PIB service is a system service (i.e., run by root). 
 PIB service may be separated into several user services (i.e., run by each user) in the future. 

 Each user has three tables in PIB: identity table, key table, and certificate table. 
 The public key information of a user is managed in these tables. 
 Identity table consists of two columns: `identity` (primary key) and `default_key_id`. 
 Identity table schema: 

         identity               BLOB NOT NULL,         
         default_key_id         BLOB, 
         PRIMARY KEY (identity)                      

 Key Table consists of five columns: `identity`, `key_id`, `key_type`, `key_bits`, and `default_cert_name`.  
 The combination of `identity` and `key_id` is the primary key of key table. 
 Key table schema: 

         identity               BLOB NOT NULL,         
         key_id                 BLOB NOT NULL,         
         key_type               INTEGER NOT NULL,      
         key_bits               BLOB NOT NULL,         
         default_cert_name      BLOB,                  
         PRIMARY KEY (identity, key_id)              

 Certificate table consists of four columns: `certificate_name` (primary key), `identity`, `key_id`, and `certificate_data`. 
 Certificate table schema: 

         certificate_name       BLOB NOT NULL,         
         identity               BLOB NOT NULL,         
         key_id                 BLOB NOT NULL,         
         certificate_data       BLOB NOT NULL,         
         PRIMARY KEY (certificate_name)              

 Besides the tables for each user, PIB has two more management tables: user table and certificate_publishing table. 
 User table stores user's local management key (we will discuss it later) and user's default identity 
 Each user has its own default identity.  
 From the default identity, the default key and certificate of the user can be derived. 

 User table schema: 

         user_name               BLOB NOT NULL,     
         has_default_identity    INTEGER DEFAULT 0, 
         default_identity        BLOB,              
         local_management_cert BLOB NOT NULL,     
         PRIMARY KEY (user_name)                  

 Certificate_Publishing table schema: 

         user_name               BLOB NOT NULL, 
         publish_namespace       BLOB NOT NULL, 

         PRIMARY KEY (user_name, publish_namespace) 

 The read access to a user's public key information is not restricted, 
 while the write access to a user's public key information requires authentication. 
 The write access is expressed as signed commands.  
 The signing key can be authenticated only if the key already exists in the corresponding user's PIB tables. 
 Each key has its own write access privilege which is defined as: 

 * The root user has the **root key** of the local system. The root key has the highest privilege, i.e., its owner is allowed to change anything in PIB. The identity of the root key is `/localhost`, and the name of the root key should be `/localhost/[KeyId]`. 
 * Each user has its own **local management key**. The local management key is allowed to change anything in the user's PIB info including the three tables and user's own entry in the user table. The identity of the user local management key is `/localhost/user/[UserName]`, and the name of the key should be `/localhost/user/[UserName]/[KeyId]`. Note that the local management key of the root user is the root key. 
 * All the other keys are called **regular keys**. A regular key is allowed to change keys/certificates with identities under the key's own namespace, e.g., a key with the identity `/ndn/ucla/alice` is allowed to change a key with the identity `/ndn/ucla/alice/chat` but is not allowed to change a key with the identity `/ndn/ucla/bob`. 

 ## PIB Service Protocol  

 PIB service provides an interface to NDN applications for public key info lookup.  
 The interface is defined in terms of NDN packets (interest/data). 
 Depending on the query type, a query to PIB is expressed as a **[signed interest](** (for Write operation) or normal interest (for Read operation). 
 The query interest is defined as: 

                                             |<-- Required for Write operation -->| 

 `UserName` indicates the tables in which the query should apply. 
 `Verb` indicates the access operation.  
 Four types of operations are defined: `get` (Read), `search` (Read), `update` (Write), and `delete` (Write). 
 The operation `get` and `search` are quite similar to each other.  
 The only difference is that the response to `get` is the queried entity per se while the response to `search` operation is the existence (a boolean value) of the queried entity. 
 `Param` is a TLV block containing parameters of the query. 
 Different types of operations have their own parameters. 

 ### `Get` Parameters 
 For `get` operation, `Param` is defined as: 

             GetParam := Type 
               Filter := NameFilter | DefaultOfFilter | ListOfFilter 
           NameFilter := Name 
      DefaultOfFilter := Type 
         ListOfFilter := Type 
                 Type := ID | KEY | CERT 

 `Type` indicates which table the query will be applied eventually. 
 `Filter` indicates how to apply the query.  
 When `Name` is specified in `Filter`, PIB will directly lookup the entry with the same name in the table indicated by `Type`. 
 When `DefaultOf` is specified in `Filter`, PIB will first derive the name of the target through the default information and lookup the entry in the table indicated by `Type`. 
 When `ListOf` is specified in `Filter`, PIB will collect all the entries that satisfy the condition specified in `ListOf`.  
 Here are some examples of `GetParam`: 

       Type: KEY 
         Name: /ndn/edu/ucla/ksk-1234 

 The example above is a query to get a key with the name `/ndn/edu/ucla/ksk-1234`. 

       Type: CERT 
           Type: ID 
           Name: /ndn/edu/ucla/alice 

 The example above is a query to get the default certificate of an identity `/ndn/edu/ucla/alice`. 

       Type: CERT 
           Type: KEY 
           Name: /ndn/edu/ucla/ksk-1234 

 The example above is a query to get a list of certificates of a key `/ndn/edu/ucla/alice`. 

 ### `Search` Parameters 

 The parameters of `search` operation is quite similar to `get` operation except that there is no `ListOf` filter. 

           SearchParam := Type 
                Filter := NameFilter | DefaultOfFilter 
            NameFilter := Name 
       DefaultOfFilter := Type 
                  Type := ID | KEY | CERT 

 The response to `search` operation is a boolean value to indicate the existence of the searched entity 

 ### `Update` Parameters 

 The parameters of `update` operation are defined as:  

     UpdateParam := Entity 
          Entity := Identity | PublicKey | Certificate 
        Identity := Name 
       PublicKey := Name 
     Certificate := Data 

 The operation, once validated, will add a new entry in the corresponding table if no such an entry exists or update the existing entry, 
 and change the default setting according to `DefaultOpt`. 

 ### `Delete` Parameters 

 The parameters of `delete` operation are defined as:  

     DeleteParam := Type 
            Type := ID | KEY | CERT 

 The entity and its belonging entities will be deleted once the operation is validated. 

 ### TLV-TYPE assignments 

 Type                                          | Assigned value      | Assigned value (hex) 
 ------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | -------------------- 
 GetParam                                      | 128                 | 0x80 
 SearchParam                                   | 129                 | 0x81 
 UpdateParam                                   | 130                 | 0x82 
 DeleteParam                                   | 131                 | 0x83 
 Type                                          | 132                 | 0x84 
 NameFilter                                    | 133                 | 0x85 
 DefaultOfFilter                               | 134                 | 0x86 
 ListOfFilter                                  | 135                 | 0x87 
 Identity                                      | 136                 | 0x88 
 PublicKey                                     | 137                 | 0x89 
 Certificate                                   | 138                 | 0x8a 
 Bytes                                         | 139                 | 0x8b  
 DefaultOpt                                    | 140                 | 0x8c 

 ### Constant value assignments 

 For type `Type`: 

 Constant                                      | Assigned value      | Assigned value (hex) 
 ------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | -------------------- 
 ID                                            | 0                   | 0x00 
 KEY                                           | 1                   | 0x01 
 CERT                                          | 2                   | 0x02 

 For type `DefaultOpt`: 

 Constant                                      | Assigned value      | Assigned value (hex) 
 ------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | -------------------- 
 NO_DEFAULT                                    | 0                   | 0x00 
 USER_DEFAULT                                  | 1                   | 0x01 
 ID_DEFAULT                                    | 2                   | 0x02 
 KEY_DEFAULT                                   | 3                   | 0x03 


 ### Query Responses 

 The response to a query interest is a data packet signed by PIB. 
 The public key certificate of PIB is stored in a read-only file and is accessible to all users on the system. 
 The content of the response to `get` operation could be one of the three TLV defined above: `Identity` (0x8b), `PublicKey` (0x8c), and `Certificate` (0x8d), or a list of these TLVs. 
 The content of the response to `search` operation is a byte. Non-zero byte stands for true while 0x00 stands for false. 
 The content of the response to `update` or `delete` operation is an uint32_t which serves as an error code.  
 0 stands for success while non-zero byte stands for failure.  

 Error code: code for `update`: 

 Error code                                  | Value               | Description 
 -------------------------- ----------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------- -------------------- 
 ERR_SUCCESS                                | 0                   | No error 

 Error code for `delete`: 

 Error code                | Value               | 1                   | Wrong verb in interest Description 
 ERR_WRONG_PARAM              ----------------------- | 2                   ----------------- | Wrong parameter in interest -------------------- 
 ERR_NON_EXISTING_USER        ERR_SUCCESS               | 128                 0                   | User does not exist 
 ERR_NON_EXISTING_ID          | 129                 | Identity does not exist 
 ERR_NON_EXISTING_KEY         | 130                 | Public key does not exist 
 ERR_NON_EXISTING_CERT        | 131                 | Certificate does not exist 
 ERR_NO_DEFAULT_ID            | 256                 | No default identity is set 
 ERR_NO_DEFAULT_KEY           | 257                 | No default public key is set  
 ERR_NO_DEFAULT_CERT          | 258                 | No default certificate is set 
 ERR_DELETE_DEFAULT_SETTING | 384                 | Trying to delete default setting 