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A K M Mahmudul Hoque, 05/05/2014 08:30 AM
Configuration File Format¶
NLSR is configured using an INFO file.
Example configuration¶
; the router section contains the setting of network, site name
; and router name which all together makes router-prefix
name /ndn ; name prefix of the network router belongs to
} ; must be in ndn URI format
name / ; name prefix of the site name router belongs to
} ; must be in ndn URI format
name /cs/pollux ; name prefix of the router
} ; must be in ndn URI format
; the hello section describes the configuration settings for NLSR hello protocol
; neighbor command is used to configure router's neighbor. Each neighbor will need
; one block of neighbor command
name /ndn/ ; name prefix of the neighbor router consists
; of network, site-name and router-name
host ; hostname or ip address of neighbor router
link-cost 20.6 ; cost of the connecting link to neighbor
; interest-retry command is used to configure the interval of hello interest and number
; of retry interests before a router gives up in case of interest timed out
number 3 ; interest retry number in integer. Default value 3
; valid values 1-10
interval 10 ; interest sending interval in seconds. Default value 1
; valid values 1-15
; the synchronization section contains all the configuration settings for router's update
; synchronization with neighbors in the network
name /ndn/nlsr/sync ;
seconds 1800 ;
; the face_system section defines what faces and channels are created
; the unix section contains settings of UNIX stream faces and channels
listen yes ; set to 'no' to disable UNIX stream listener, default 'yes'
path /var/run/nfd.sock ; UNIX stream listener path
; the tcp section contains settings of TCP faces and channels
listen yes ; set to 'no' to disable TCP listener, default 'yes'
port 6363 ; TCP listener port number
; the udp section contains settings of UDP faces and channels
port 6363 ; UDP unicast port number
idle_timeout 30 ; idle time (seconds) before closing a UDP unicast face
keep_alive_interval 25; interval (seconds) between keep-alive refreshes
; NFD creates one UDP multicast face per NIC
mcast yes ; set to 'no' to disable UDP multicast, default 'yes'
mcast_port 56363 ; UDP multicast port number
mcast_group ; UDP multicast group (IPv4 only)
; the ether section contains settings of Ethernet faces and channels
; NFD creates one Ethernet multicast face per NIC
mcast yes ; set to 'no' to disable Ethernet multicast, default 'yes'
mcast_group 01:00:5E:00:17:AA ; Ethernet multicast group
Updated by A K M Mahmudul Hoque almost 11 years ago · 27 revisions