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A K M Mahmudul Hoque, 04/17/2014 05:06 AM

Read and parse configuration file

  1. NLSR takes command line argument "-f configFileName" for configuration file
    If command line argument is not provided look into current directory for nlsr.conf

  2. If file is not found nlsr exits. Else nlsr reads the configuration file
    one by one line and process. ! or # is treated as comment characters.

  3. All neighbors configured by ndnneighbor is added in AdjacencyList(Adl)

  4. All name to be advertised by ndnname is added in NamePrefixList (Npl)

  5. All other configuration parameter is stored in ConfParameter

  6. List of configuration command:

  7. network /network/name

  8. site-prefix /site/name

  9. router-name /router/name

  10. ndnneighbor /neighbor/name connectingFace

  11. ndnname /name/to/be/advertised

  12. lsa-refresh-time seconds

  13. router-dead-interval seconds

  14. interest-retry

  15. interest-resend-time seconds

  16. max-faces-per-prefix

  17. debug

  18. logdir

  19. tunnel-type

  20. hyperbolic-cordinate

  21. root-key-prefix

Updated by A K M Mahmudul Hoque almost 11 years ago · 9 revisions