


Task #2889 ยป

Chengyu Fan, 06/15/2015 11:01 AM



This software is designed to support ongoing climate model research at Colorado State University,
Berkeley and other institutes.

This software provides API interface to publish, query and retrieve Climate datasets using NDN.


The ndn-atmos is built based on several libraries:

  1. boost (Minimum required boost version is 1.48.0)
  2. jsoncpp 1.6.0 (
  3. mysql 5.6.23 (
  4. ndn-cxx (
  5. ChronoSync (

The ndn-cxx and ChronoSync need some other prerequisites.

  1. For OSX, the prerequisites can be installed using Homebrew:

    brew install boost sqlite3 mysql jsoncpp

  2. For Ubuntu, use the command below to install the prerequisites:

    sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev \
    libsqlite3-dev libmysqlclient-dev libjsoncpp-dev \
    protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev

  3. For Fedora, use the command below to install the prerequisites:

    sudo yum install boost-devel openssl-devel cryptopp-devel sqlitei3x-devel \
    mysql-devel jsoncpp-devel protobuf-compiler protobuf-devel

Installing ndn-cxx

  1. download ndn-cxx source code and decompress it. Use the link below for ndn-cxx code:

  2. in library folder, build from the source code

    ./waf configure
    ./waf install

Installing ChronoSync

  1. download ChronoSync source code and decompress it. Use the link below for the ChronoSync code:

  1. in library folder, build from the source code

    ./waf configure
    ./waf install

Installing ndn-atmos

Follow the steps below to compile and install ndn-atmos:

  1. download the ndn-atmos source code. Use the command below:

    git clone

  2. build ndn-atmos in the project folder

    ./waf configure
    ./waf install

  3. to test ndn-atmos, please use the steps below:

    ./waf configrue --with-tests

Running ndn-atmos

Starting NFD

Users must install NFD to enable NDN running.

  1. download NFD source code and decompress it. Use the link below for the NFD code:

  2. build NFD

    ./waf configure
    ./waf install

  3. run NFD


Launching atmos-catalog

  1. make sure database is initialized

  2. create catalog configuration file

    cp /usr/local/etc/ndn-atmos/catalog.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/ndn-atmos/catalog.conf

  3. modify the catalog configuration file as you need

  4. run ndn-atmos


Starting front end

  1. open the client folder in ndn-atmos

  2. checkout and decompress the ndn-js in the client folder. Use the linke blow:

  3. start python simple server in the client folder

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer

  4. open project query page in a web browser

