Task #3203
closedSeparate tpm-locator modification and database resetting in pib
When KeyChain loading PIB and TPM, it will check the consistency between the TPM and the TPM locator in PIB.
Under different configuration, KeyChain may change the TPM locator in PIB and reset the database, or change the TPM locator only.
However, current implementation of PIB mixed the TPM locator modification together with database resetting, which will complicate the KeyChain logic.
It would be better to separate these two operations into two different methods, so that KeyChain can invoke the necessary method(s) only.
Updated by Yingdi Yu over 9 years ago
- Blocks Task #2926: Refactor KeyChain added
Updated by Yingdi Yu almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Code review to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
addressed in a reviewed commit