



Bug #4705


NLSR crashes on multiple nodes in mcn failure experiment with a long failure time

Added by Ashlesh Gawande over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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Crashes happen while waiting after failure has happened.
Crash was reported when running on 43 node current testbed topology.

Can be replicated with 10 node topology, using the Mini-NDN change, master NLSR, with command:

sudo minindn topologies/minindn.caida.conf --nlsr-security --experiment mcn-failure --wait-time 1200 --ctime 90 --nPings 0


bt (21.9 KB) bt Ashlesh Gawande, 08/13/2018 04:02 PM
bt-full (196 KB) bt-full Ashlesh Gawande, 08/13/2018 04:02 PM
nlsr.log (441 KB) nlsr.log Ashlesh Gawande, 08/13/2018 04:03 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 6 years ago

  • Private changed from No to Yes

Happens at ~452s after NLSR has started (lsa-refresh-interval is set to 240 seconds).

Actions #2

Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 6 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #3

Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Code review

Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 6 years ago

backtrace and log from arizona node is attached.

Crash happens while initializing set using the range constructor. I don't know why it happens.

In my testing crash does not happen if we use insert instead, waiting for bot to confirm that it works:

Actions #5

Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Code review to Closed
  • Target version set to v0.5.0
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Davide figured out what the bug was.

We did not have strict weak ordering as required by std::set in our < operator define here.
If the requirements are not met then it may lead to undefined behaviour.

return (m_name < adjacent.getName()) ||
       (m_linkCost < adjacent.getLinkCost());

The solution was:

  auto linkCost = adjacent.getLinkCost();
  return std::tie(m_name, m_linkCost) <
         std::tie(adjacent.getName(), linkCost);

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