Feature #3197
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 9 years ago
Dissect [[nfd:NDNLPv2]] **LpPacket**. This issue includes: * display the structure of LpPacket * recognize these header fields and their values: Fragment, Sequence, FragIndex, FragCount, Nack, NackReason, NextHopFaceId, CachePolicy, CachePolicyType, IncomingFaceId * for an unknown field that can be ignored, display "unknown field <TLV-TYPE> (ignored)" * for an unknown field that would cause packet to be dropped, display "unknown field <TLV-TYPE>" in red * for a field that appears out-of-order, display "out-of-order field <TLV-TYPE or element name>" in red * invoke NDN network layer packet dissector on Fragment body, without attempting to reassemble fragments