

Junxiao Shi

  • Login: sunny
  • Registered on: 07/30/2013
  • Last connection: 03/03/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 5 560 565
Reported issues 151 1057 1208


Project Roles Registered on
Application Development Documentation / Guides Developer, Reporter 10/09/2014
mini-ndn Developer 07/20/2022
NAC Developer 11/28/2017 Developer 10/21/2019
NDN Control Center Developer 12/14/2016
ndn-embedded Developer 05/11/2014
ndncert Developer 07/14/2019
ndnSIM Developer 03/29/2015
NFD Manager, Developer 01/18/2014
NDN Specifications Manager, Developer 06/08/2014
ndn-cxx Manager, Developer 02/18/2014
ndn-tools Manager, Developer 02/02/2015
NFD-android Manager, Developer 02/08/2015
Packaging Developer 01/04/2017
NLSR Developer, Reporter 02/02/2022
PSync Developer 02/08/2022
repo-ng Developer 05/25/2017



06:32 PM NFD Feature #5346: GPSManager: Enable NFD to obtain GPS-based position from local gpsd
Tianxing Ma wrote in #note-8:
> Got it! But I think GPSManager can be merged before CCLF.
Not gonna happen until you...
Junxiao Shi
04:07 AM NFD Feature #5346: GPSManager: Enable NFD to obtain GPS-based position from local gpsd
Mainline has to be good quality code, not half baked designs.
You can continue working on your fork, and submit to ma...
Junxiao Shi
03:49 AM NFD Feature #5346: GPSManager: Enable NFD to obtain GPS-based position from local gpsd
If your goal is CCLF, create an encompassing issue about CCLF, and then explain each of its dependencies: LP protocol... Junxiao Shi
03:23 AM NFD Feature #5346: GPSManager: Enable NFD to obtain GPS-based position from local gpsd
Please expand the issue description (or create an overall encompassing issue and make this a sub-task), to explain th... Junxiao Shi
03:16 AM NFD Feature #5346: GPSManager: Enable NFD to obtain GPS-based position from local gpsd
> makes location information available to other parts of the system
What's the use case of having location informa...
Junxiao Shi
04:34 AM NFD Feature #5342: nfdc: JSON output
What's this about?
* per command JSON output, similar to **ip -j**?
* JSON output of the status report, instead o...
Junxiao Shi


08:44 PM mini-ndn Task #5345: Add or document methodology for natively creating sockets in node network namespaces
Mininet's interaction with network namespaces is through [mnexec.c]( Junxiao Shi


04:38 PM NFD Feature #5207: autoconfig: allow NDN-FCH service over HTTPS
Boost.Beast is now available in the minimum Boost version supported by ndn-cxx, so that there's no more conditionals. Junxiao Shi


07:02 PM ndn-cxx Feature #5313 (New): ValidatorConfig: specify signed Interest fields
Currently, **ValidatorConfig**, through the usage of `ValidationPolicyCommandInterest` in its composition, requires e... Junxiao Shi


02:16 PM NLSR Task #5308: Code cleanup in LSA and routing table related types reduces the API surface of link-state calculator and hyperbolic calculato... Junxiao Shi

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