



Feature #5349


Add prefix weighting to NLSR

Added by Alexander Lane 25 days ago. Updated 24 days ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
04/01/2025 (Due in 1 day)
% Done:


Estimated time:


NLSR currently provides no ability to weigh prefixes announced by a node anything other than flatly. While this works for many circumstances, this fails to cover a large number of use cases in which nodes may want to incentivize or disincentivize requesting their own prefixes. Adding this will give more flexibility to routers to control the circumstances under which they request specific data.

In the short-term, our plan is to provide a simple version that adds these costs directly onto the routing costs for the destination which announced the Name; this is meant to address some issues with a lack of support for longest-prefix match for NDN Workspace and should provide some utility. In the mid-term, these costs should be factored into routing.


  • Change internal storage of prefixes to also store costs
  • Adjust protocol design so Name LSA stores cost
  • Ensure cost is stored and retrieved properly from Name LSA
  • Adjust NFD readvertisement to supply cost
  • Inherit cost from readvertised routes
  • Add Name LSA cost onto routing costs (Temp change)
  • Modify unit tests for NPL and Name LSA
  • Modify other unit tests to handle issues with type changes
  • Add the ability to disable this behavior if desired
  • Allow specification of cost from configuration files
  • Allow specification of cost from NLSRC
  • Add "virtual link" support for routing to allow for destinations to include prefixes
  • Create "virtual links" based on NDN names
  • Use "virtual link" costs for routing
  • Revert temp change after "virtual link" implementation

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