


Task #1888

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 9 years ago

There appear to be inconsistencies in the NFD/NRD use of client.conf and ndn.conf.    This leads to confusion about what is host-wide and what is per-user / per-application configuration.  

 For example:  

 Certain aspects of NRD are configured by nfd.conf on a host-wide basis.    <s>However, However, it appears that NRD relies on ~/.ndn/client.conf for the unix socket location.    This inconsistency, while understandable in terms of the details of ndn-cxx is confusing in practice.     Reproduce by changing the client.conf unix_socket entry to not match nfd.conf and restarting nfd and nrd.</s> nrd. 

 Further, TPM settings in client.conf also appear to impact both NRD and NFD conf, while all other security aspects are configured host-wide in nfd.conf.  


 1. NFD, NRD, and any other processes for which a single instance per host is the typical configuration should be typically configured by host-wide parameters in nfd.conf or another file in the same location only, and not affected by the client.conf of a particular user. 

 2. ~/.ndn/client.conf should continue to provide default configuration for all other binaries compiled against NDN-CXX and NDN-CCL.   

 3. This distinction should be documented clearly in the developer's guide and online documentation.  

 4. The PIB/TPM used to store NFD and NRD should be clarified in the documentation, and should be host-wide.  
