


Bug #3318

Updated by Davide Pesavento over 8 years ago

Not all `Transport` subclasses currently available in NFD implement an overridden `beforeChangePersistency` method, although they all should. Specifically: 

 * `MulticastUdpTransport` only supports permanent 
 * `UnicastUdpTransport` supports all 3 kinds of persistency, but not all transitions are allowed (this logic is currently in `UdpChannel` but it should be removed from there) 
 * `UnixStreamTransport` only supports on-demand 
 * `TcpTransport` currently implements an override which accepts the transition on-demand \<-\> persistent in either direction, I'm not sure if this is correct (what's the difference *semantically* between on-demand and persistent in the TCP case anyway?) 
 * `InternalForwarderTransport` only supports permanent 

 `EthernetTransport` and `WebSocketTransport` already implement a correct override as far as I can see. 

 I also propose to make `Transport::beforeChangePersistency` pure virtual. The reason is that the great majority of transports will have some kind of restriction in their persistency setting, therefore a pure virtual method ensures that subclasses won't forget to override it.
