


Feature #2716

Updated by Alex Afanasyev over 8 years ago

In all forms of installations and packaging, implement automatic function of starting ndn-autoconfig in parallel This task is similar to embedding nrd into nfd, but with NFD. 

 - Source installation    (using nfd-start) 
 - Homebrew (using nfd-start) 
 - Macports (sudo port load nfd) 
 - Ubuntu PPA (sudo apt-get install ndn-autoconfig) 

 Whether ndn-autoconfig is started a caveat that this integration should be configured by `$SYSCONFDIR/ndn/autoconfig.conf`. Sample config: 

 # Enable ndn-autoconfig enabled only when a configuration option `general.autoconfig` is set to run in parallel with NFD.    Disabled true (false by default 
 # enabled = true 
 enabled = false 

 (additional parameters can be included default, but in the future). our sample config file I would suggest setting it to true). 
