


Task #1350

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago

Develop a simple producer program that sends one Data. 

     ndn-tlv-poke [-f] [-D] [-i identity] [-H] [-k key] [-F] [-x freshness] [-w timeout] ndn:/name 
       Reads payload from stdin and sends it to local NDN forwarder as a single Data packet 
       -f force, send Data without waiting for Interest 
       -D use DigestSha256 signing method instead of SignatureSha256WithRsa 
       -i specify identity used for signing -k private key name 
       -F set FinalBlockId to the last component of Name 
       -x set FreshnessPeriod in milliseconds 
       -w set timeout in milliseconds (default 10 seconds) 

 The payload (value of `Content` element) is read from stdin, put into a Data packet, and signed with the specified method. 

 If `-D` is present, signing method is *DigestSha256*. key.   
 If `-D` `-k` is absent, signing method is *SignatureSha256WithRsa*. 

 When signing method is SignatureSha256WithRsa, missing, use the identity given in `-i` option.   
 If `-i` is absent, use the default identity.   
 When signing method is not SignatureSha256WithRsa, `-i` option is ignored. 

 If `-f` is absent, Without `-f`, the program registers the exact name as a prefix, waits for one Interest, and sends Data.   
 If `-f` is present, With `-f`, the program sends the Data without waiting. 

 The program terminates with return code 0 if Data is sent, or terminates with return code 1 on timeout.   
 Timeout controls when program should terminate if is specified with `-w`. If `-w` is absent and no Interest arrives, and is unrelated to FreshnessPeriod. missing, use 10 seconds. 
