


Task #3552

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 8 years ago

Specify the ContentStore matching behavior when Interest does not carry *ChildSelector*. 

 Current packet format specification (version 0.2-alpha-3) defines the matching rules for *leftmost* and *rightmost*, but is vague about the behavior when *ChildSelector* is omitted.   
 Per discussion in 3/8/16 NFD 0.4.0 treats omitted *ChildSelector* in call - consider what the same way as *leftmost*. 

 We should decide whether the default behavior should be *leftmost*, *rightmost*, or the ContentStore for LPM.    It is permitted to return whatever Data that satisfies the Name and other Selectors. currently leftmost child.    Should it be rightmost child, often "latest version" ?    Design discussion needed.
