Bug #1378
Updated by Junxiao Shi over 10 years ago
`FibEntry::wireEncode` is missing **Name** field.
Steps to reproduce:
1. run nfd (``sudo env NFD_LOG=all nfd``)
2. create a tunnel using nfdc (``NFD=1 nfdc create udp4://``)
3. add nexthop record to the tunnel using ufdc (``NFD=1 nfdc add-nexthop /example <faceid from previous step>``)
4. run ``nfd-status -b`` to show FIB status.
ltr120@traffic-gen-vm1:~$ NFD=1 nfd-status -b
/localhost/nfd nexthops={faceid=1 (cost=0)}
ltr120@traffic-gen-vm1:~$ NFD=1 nfdc create udp4://
Face creation succeeded: ForwardingEntry(FaceID: 4, Uri: udp4://
ltr120@traffic-gen-vm1:~$ NFD=1 nfdc add-nexthop /example 4
Nexthop insertion succeeded: ForwardingEntry(Prefix: /example, FaceID: 4, Cost: 0, Strategy: /, )
ltr120@traffic-gen-vm1:~$ NFD=1 nfd-status -b
Expected NextHopRecords, but Block is of a different type: #128