


Task #1383

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago

Topology: Single host. 


 1. Start NFD. 
 2. Start ndn-traffic-server to serve `ndn:/test-caching`, FreshnessPeriod=2800ms 
 3. Invoke ndn-tlv-peek to send Interest `ndn:/test-caching/A`, MustBeFresh=yes. Fail if this Interest The very basic test for CS is unanswered. 
 4. Pause 1000ms. 
 5. Invoke ndn-tlv-peek to send Interest `ndn:/test-caching/A`, MustBeFresh=yes. Fail if this Interest is unanswered. 
 6. Kill ndn-traffic-server. Check "total Interests received" equals 1. 
 7. Pause 2000ms. 
 8. Invoke ndn-tlv-peek have one producer and two consumers on the same host. One consumer sends an interest. After the consumer gets data, we let the second consumer to send Interest `ndn:/test-caching/A`, MustBeFresh=yes. Fail if this Interest is answered. 
 9. Invoke ndn-tlv-peek an interest requesting the same data. Verify the second consumer gets the data but the producer does not see the second interest.  

 We also need to send Interest `ndn:/test-caching/A` without MustBeFresh. Fail if this Interest is unanswered. test features of CS. For example, does CS behave exactly as expected when there are too many content objects, when the interest has different selectors (mustbefresh, max/min suffix, etc.). After that, we should then test CS on different topologies. 

 Script Write a script to do the test described above. The script should populate data in CS for testing. 

 The script can assume necessary assume: 

 * All programs involved are installed and accessible in $PATH. 
 * Current user has passwordless sudo privilege.
