


Task #1384

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago

Topology: Single host. 


 1.    Start NFD. 
 2.    Start ndn-traffic-server to serve `ndn:/test-agg`, 
     with `-d 2000` flag to delay response The very basic test for 2000ms. 
 3.    Start two instances of ndn-tlv-peek to request `ndn:/test-agg/A`. 
     Wait until they terminate. 
     Fail if either PIT is unanswered. 
 4.    Stop ndn-traffic-server. 
     Fail if total served Interest does not equal 1. 
 5.    Start ndn-traffic-server to serve `ndn:/test-agg`, 
     with `-d 2000` flag have one producer and two consumers on the same host. One consumer sends an interest. Before the data packet get to delay response for 2000ms. 
 6.    Start ndn-tlv-peek the forwarder, we let the second consumer to request `ndn:/test-agg/B` ChildSelector=leftmost, 
     and another instance to request `ndn:/test-agg/B` ChildSelector=rightmost. 
     Wait until they terminate. 
     Fail if either is unanswered. 
 7.    Stop ndn-traffic-server. 
     Fail if total served Interest send an interest requesting the same data. Verify the second consumer gets the data but the producer does not equal 2. 
 8.    Start ndn-traffic-server see the second interest. 

 To test PIT, the application server (producer) has to serve `ndn:/test-agg`, 
     with `-d 2000` flag to delay response for 2000ms. 
 9.    Start ndn-tlv-peek the data packet from directly sending them back. This feature of producer might need to request `ndn:/test-agg/C` InterestLifetime=6000ms, 
     and another instance be implemented before this task can be finished.  

 Write a script to request `ndn:/test-agg/C` InterestLifetime=8000ms. 
     Wait until they terminate. 
     Fail if either is unanswered. 
 10. Stop ndn-traffic-server. 
     Fail if total served Interest does not equal 1. automate the test described above. 

 Script The script can assume necessary assume: 

 * All programs involved are installed and accessible in $PATH, and current $PATH. 
 * Current user has passwordless sudo privilege.
