


Feature #3783

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 7 years ago

Currently NDNLPv2 **NextHopFaceId** field is honored only under namespaces where client-control strategy is used. 
 Apps wanting to use this feature must change strategy choice, which incurs unnecessary latency. 

 **NextHopFaceId** field should be recognized in forwarding pipelines, so that it is honored regardless of strategy choice. 
 Apps wanting to use this feature still needs to enable local fields with `faces/update` command, so that `GenericLinkService` would decode the field. 

 Forwarding rules are: 

 1. ContentStore lookup is always performed. 
 2. If **NextHopFaceId** is present in an Interest, goto step6. 
 3. Find effective forwarding strategy from StrategyChoice table. 
 4. Trigger after receive Interest on the strategy. 
 5. Abort these steps. 
 6. If the face identified in **NextHopFaceId** does not exist, drop the Interest and abort these steps. 
 7. Forward the Interest to the face identified in **NextHopFaceId**. 

 client-control strategy will be deprecated, but kept as an alias of best-route v1.
