Bug #3803
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 8 years ago
Snippet to reproduce: ``` // g++ -o x -std=c++0x x.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libndn-cxx) #include <ndn-cxx/link.hpp> #include <ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp> int main() { auto link = std::make_shared<ndn::Link>("/link-name"); ndn::KeyChain keyChain; keyChain.signWithSha256(*link); std::cout << *link; return 0; } ``` Expected: ContentType==LINK Actual: ContentType==BLOB If creating an object of type ::ndn::Link with no DelegationName, the packet will be considered as actual data bits by endcoder/decoder: MetaInfo: ContentType: 0 Content: (size: 0)