


Task #1409

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago


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 It's okay to have A,B,C on same Ethernet switch and in same IP subnet, but multicast must be disabled. The tunnels will have this logical topology. 
 All are NDN nodes. 

 Script is invoked on host A. Script should control other hosts over ssh.   
 Arguments: strategy under test. to be tested. 


 1.    Start NFD on A,B,C. 
 2.    On host A, create UDP face to host B, and add nexthop for `ndn:/test-loop` toward this face.   
     On host B, create UDP face to host C, and add nexthop for `ndn:/test-loop` toward this face.   
     On host C, create UDP face to host A, and add nexthop for `ndn:/test-loop` toward this face. 
 3.    On every host, set strategy of `ndn:/test-loop` to *strategy under test*. 
 4.    On host A, execute ndn-traffic-client to send 100 Interests to `ndn:/test-loop/A/<random>`. 
 5.    On every host, execute nfd-status to see face counters.   
     Fail if NInInterests or NOutInterests any counter of a UDP face is greater than 200. 

 Script can assume integrated test suite is cloned to all hosts, necessary programs are installed and accessible in $PATH, and current user can ssh to other hosts and has sudo privilege.
