


Bug #4551

Updated by Davide Pesavento about 6 years ago

I have ported catchunks and putchunks tools to ndnSIM and after running them by different bandwidths I just realized for small bandwidth the printSummary function prints an odd output, like the following one: 

 All `All segments have been received. 
 Time elapsed: 591.6 milliseconds 
 Total # of segments received: 9 
 Total size: 35.225kB 
 Goodput: 476.335363 kbit/s 
 Total # of packet loss events: 2 
 Packet loss rate: 0.222222 
 Total # of retransmitted segments: 10 
 Total # of received congestion marks: 0 
 RTT min/avg/max = 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546 
 4026184124858368.000/0.000/0.000 ms 
 ``` ms` 

 As we can see the value of minRTT is so big, and this is because we initialize minRTT with `numeric_limits<double>::max()` and apparently it does not change, so after calling printSummary function it prints out the max value of double type.  
 Anyways, I am wondering **why minRTT does not update**. BTW, the above output shows we have some packet loss, but all segments are received, successfully (i.e. 9 out of 9). 
