


Feature #3521

Updated by Davide Pesavento over 5 years ago

Allow a permanent UDP unicast face to associate with a netdev (network device, aka network interface) interface card (NIC) rather than a the `UdpChannel`. 
 Automatically create and destroy these faces upon addition and removal of netdevs. NICs. 

 In NFD configuration file, add an option that specifies zero or more remote FaceUris to which netdev-bound faces will be created; these FaceUris must be in canonical form. 
 When the configuration file is loaded or reloaded, or when a netdev NIC is added or removed, NFD creates and destroys netdev-bound faces as necessary to maintain one netdev-bound face per netdev NIC per remote FaceUri. 

 When a netdev's NIC's IP address changes, is changed, the face should bind to the new IP address; in case the netdev NIC does not have any available IP addresses, address, the face should be set as DOWN but not destroyed.
