Feature #4432
Updated by Junxiao Shi over 5 years ago
NIST fast forwarder project requires a 1-octet NDNLP header TLV-TYPE number for "PIT token" field. PIT-TOKEN = ::= PIT-TOKEN-TYPE TLV-LENGTH 1*OCTET byte+ The "PIT token" field is similar to "Interest digest" as described in #3333, but it is hop-by-hop and does not require universal agreement. A downstream attaches one or more bytes as the TLV-VALUE of this field when transmitting an Interest. These bytes are opaque to the upstream. When an upstream responds to this Interest with a Data or a Nack packet, it MUST attach a PIT token field with the same bytes. The downstream MUST verify these bytes before assuming the Data/Nack matches the Interest. This issue only reserves a TLV-TYPE number. It does not involve code changes on NFD or other projects.