


Feature #1845

Updated by Alex Afanasyev over 9 years ago

After extensive playing with compilation options of webrtc, I finally made it (partially) compile with system's clang and using `libc++`.    Some targets failed, but the library itself compiled and I was able to compile ndnrtc in c++11 mode against libc++. 

 I'm not quite sure what needs to be overridden in `GYP_DEFINES`, I modified directly `build/common.gypi` (attached) and then re-run `gclient runhooks -f` 

 I also had `GYP_DEFINES="clang=1 clang_xcode=1 use_system_libcxx=1 OS=mac target_arch=x64 mac_sdk=10.9"` though I'm not quite sure if any of these take any effect.
