


Bug #2150

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 9 years ago

I've a machine with multiple interfaces: 

 $ ifconfig 
 eth0        Link encap:Ethernet    HWaddr 00:24:e8:7a:44:cd 
           inet addr:    Bcast:    Mask: 
           inet6 addr: fe80::224:e8ff:fe7a:44cd/64 Scope:Link 
           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST    MTU:1500    Metric:1 
           RX packets:11552 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
           TX packets:2958 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
           RX bytes:1770097 (1.7 MB)    TX bytes:559424 (559.4 KB) 

 eth1        Link encap:Ethernet    HWaddr 00:24:e8:7a:44:cf 
           inet addr:    Bcast:    Mask: 
           inet6 addr: fe80::224:e8ff:fe7a:44cf/64 Scope:Link 
           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST    MTU:1500    Metric:1 
           RX packets:674 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
           TX packets:636 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1 
           collisions:14 txqueuelen:1000 
           RX bytes:57477 (57.4 KB)    TX bytes:48981 (48.9 KB) 

 lo          Link encap:Local Loopback 
           inet addr:    Mask: 
           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host 
           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING    MTU:65536    Metric:1 
           RX packets:334 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
           TX packets:334 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
           RX bytes:49347 (49.3 KB)    TX bytes:49347 (49.3 KB) 
 ``` </pre> 

 and the following entry in the /etc/hosts:          CAIDA-lan0 CAIDA-0 CAIDA 

 I added a delay using netem on eth1 ( 
     sudo tc qdisc add dev eth1 root netem delay 100ms 

 and added an entry in nfd using nfdc:  

     HOME=/tmp nfdc register -c 25 /caida udp://caida 

 ``` <pre> 
 $ nfd-status -fb 
   faceid=1 remote=internal:// local=internal:// counters={in={0i 143d 0B} out={144i 0d 0B}} local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=254 remote=contentstore:// local=contentstore:// counters={in={0i 0d 0B} out={0i 0d 0B}} local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=255 remote=null:// local=null:// counters={in={0i 0d 0B} out={0i 0d 0B}} local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=256 remote=udp4:// local=udp4:// counters={in={0i 0d 0B} out={0i 0d 0B}} non-local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=257 remote=udp4:// local=udp4:// counters={in={0i 0d 0B} out={0i 0d 0B}} non-local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=258 remote=ether://[01:00:5e:00:17:aa] local=dev://eth0 counters={in={0i 0d 0B} out={0i 0d 0B}} non-local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=259 remote=ether://[01:00:5e:00:17:aa] local=dev://eth1 counters={in={0i 0d 0B} out={0i 0d 0B}} non-local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=260 remote=fd://23 local=unix:///run/nfd.sock counters={in={112i 27d 37014B} out={27i 102d 66238B}} local on-demand point-to-point 
   faceid=262 remote=fd://24 local=unix:///run/nfd.sock counters={in={1i 0d 422B} out={0i 1d 785B}} local on-demand point-to-point 
   faceid=264 remote=udp4:// local=udp4:// counters={in={0i 23d 8829B} out={23i 0d 894B}} non-local persistent point-to-point 
   faceid=299 remote=fd://25 local=unix:///run/nfd.sock counters={in={1i 0d 46B} out={0i 0d 0B}} local on-demand point-to-point 
   /localhost/nfd nexthops={faceid=1 (cost=0)} 
   /caida nexthops={faceid=264 (cost=25)} 
   /localhost/nfd/rib nexthops={faceid=260 (cost=0)} 
 ``` </pre> 

 The remote machine (caida in this case) is running ndnpingserver on "/caida" prefix.  

 When I do simple ping, I can see the intended delays: 

 $ ping caida 
 PING CAIDA-lan0 ( 56(84) bytes of data. 
 64 bytes from CAIDA-lan0 ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=100 ms 
 64 bytes from CAIDA-lan0 ( icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=100 ms 
 ``` </pre> 

 But when I do ndnping I don't see any delay?   

 $ ndnping /caida 

 === Pinging /caida === 

 Content From /caida - Ping Reference = 500905038   	 - Round Trip Time = 0.012777 ms 
 Content From /caida - Ping Reference = 500905039   	 - Round Trip Time = 0.009988 ms 
 Content From /caida - Ping Reference = 500905040   	 - Round Trip Time = 0.009912 ms 


  Any idea what's going on here? My guess was nfd is not using the right face to forward the interest. But ndndump shows that the packets are going through eth1: 

 $ HOME=/tmp/ sudo ndndump -v -i eth1 > /tmp/ndndump.out & 

 $ ndnping /caida 

 === Pinging /caida === 

 Content From /caida - Ping Reference = 716405588   	 - Round Trip Time = 0.012228 ms 
 Content From /caida - Ping Reference = 716405589   	 - Round Trip Time = 0.00985 ms 

 $ cat /tmp/ndndump.out 
 1415385072.714421 From:, To:, Tunnel Type: UDP, INTEREST: /caida/ping/716405588?ndn.MustBeFresh=1&ndn.Nonce=716405588 
 1415385072.722551 From:, To:, Tunnel Type: UDP, DATA: /caida/ping/716405588 
 1415385073.706848 From:, To:, Tunnel Type: UDP, INTEREST: /caida/ping/716405589?ndn.MustBeFresh=1&ndn.Nonce=716405589 
 1415385073.715069 From:, To:, Tunnel Type: UDP, DATA: /caida/ping/716405589 
 ``` </pre> 
