


Task #2404

Updated by Alex Afanasyev over 9 years ago

Our waf is not using correct compiler defaults on FreeBSD platform (10.1). (10.10).    It first checks for g++, which is actually symlinked to clang.    When in our scripts we check versions, waf still thinks it uses gcc compiler and we incorrectly fail the compilation with the error that the compiler is too old. 

 The current workaround is to explicitly tell waf to detect clang compiler: 

     ./waf configure --check-cxx-compiler=clang++ 

 There are two ways how things can get improved: 

 - We should set correct defaults for FreeBSD platform (e.g., compiler check order should be: clang++, g++) 

 - We can make compiler version check an advisory.    In other words, instead of failing the compilation, we can just warn that we expect the compilation to fail. 
