


Feature #2451

Updated by Alex Afanasyev about 9 years ago

Refactoring code from the SecPubInfo interface, and more precisely the sec-pub-info-sqlite3 concrete implementation into a series of abstractions. 

 The general design is as follows: 

      SecIdentityManager - a mechanism class that is used to interact with the TPM, Pib, and Identities 
      SecIdentityInfo      - a value-semantic class used to manage information relating to a particular identity,  
                           including accessing any keys associated with the Identity 
      SecKeyInfo              - a value-semantic type used to manage information relating to a particular key including 
                           the type of key and associated certificates 
      DbUtil               - a utility class to encapsulate common functionality used to access sqlite database 

 More complete public interfaces are included below. 

 A current topic relevant to the design that needs to be settled are the circumstances in which we should throw an exception. 
 class SecIdentityManager { 
 // A mechanism class to manage access to identities, TPM, and Pib. 
   class Error : public SecPublicInfo::Error 

   SecIdentityManager(const std::string& dir = ""); 
    * @brief Get TPM Locator 
    * @throws SecPublicInfo::Error if the TPM info does not exist 
   getTpmLocator() const; 

    * @brief Get PIB Locator 
   getPibLocator() const; 
    * @brief Check if the specified identity already exists 
    * @param identityName The identity name 
    * @return true if the identity exists, otherwise false 
   doesIdentityExist(const Name& identityName) const; 

    * @brief Get name of the default identity 
    * @throws SecPublicInfo::Error if there is no default. 
   getDefaultIdentity() const; 

    * @brief Get all the identities from public info, return a vector 
    * with the results. 
   getAllIdentities() const; 

    * @brief return the scheme of the PibLocator 
   getScheme() const; 

    * @brief Set the corresponding TPM information to @p tpmLocator 
    * If the provided @p tpmLocator is different from the existing one, the PIB will be reset, 
    * otherwise nothing will be changed. 
    * For legacy issue, the TPM info may not exist (some old PIB content may not have this info), 
    * this method will simply set the TPM info as provided without changing anything else. Thus an 
    * ideal process of handling old PIB is to check if TPM info exists. If it does not exist, 
    * then set it to the default value according to configuration. 
   setTpmLocator(const std::string& tpmLocator); 

    * @brief Add a new identity 
    * if identity already exist, do not add it again 
    * @param identityName The identity name to be added 
   addIdentity(const Name& identityName); 

    * @brief Set the default identity 
    * @param identityName The default identity name 
   setDefaultIdentity(const Name& identity); 

    * @brief Delete an identity and related public keys and certificates 
    * @param identity The identity name 
   deleteIdentityInfo(const Name& identityName); 

 class SecIdentityInfo { 
       * @brief Create an a new 'SecIdentityInfo' for the identity with the 
		 specified 'identityName'. 
	   * @param identityName The identity name 
	 SecIdentityInfo(Name& identityName); 

	 doesPublicKeyExist(const Name& keyName) const; 

     * @brief Generate a key name for this identity 
     * @param useKsk If true, generate a KSK name, otherwise a DSK name 
     * @return The a "SecKeyInfo" for the new key 
     getNewKeyInfo(bool useKsk) const; 

     * @brief Get all the keys associated with this identity 
     * @return A vector of all keys 
	 getAllKeys() const; 

     * @brief Get name of the default key name for this identity 
     * @throws SecPublicInfo::Error if there is no default 
     * @return The keyInfo for the requested key 
     getDefaultKey() const; 

	 * @brief Get the KeyInfo for the key with the specified 'keyName'. 
	 * @param keyName The name of the desired key  
	 * @return The keyInfo for the requested key 
     getKey(const Name& keyName) const; 

     * @brief Delete a public key and related certificates related to the key 
     * of the specifed 'name' associated with this identity. 
     * @param keyName The key name 

     deletePublicKeyInfo(const Name& keyName); 

     * @brief Add a public key to the identity storage. 
     * @param keyName The name of the public key to be added 
     * @param publicKey Reference to the PublicKey object 
     addKey(const Name& keyName, const PublicKey& publicKey); 

     * @brief Set the default key name for the corresponding identity 
     * @param keyName The key name 
     * @throws SecPublicInfo::Error if the key does not exist 
     setDefaultKeyName(const Name& keyName) const; 

 class SecKeyInfo { 
   SecKeyInfo(const Name& keyName); 
     * @brief Check if the specified certificate already exists 
     * @param certificateName The name of the certificate 
    doesCertificateExist(const Name& certificateName) const; 

    * @brief Get a shared pointer to identity certificate object  
    	     from the identity storage corresponding to this Key. 
    * @param certificateName The name of the requested certificate 
    * @throws SecPublicInfo::Error if the certificate does not exist 
    getCertificate(const Name& certificateName) const; 

     * @brief Get all the certificate name in public info 
     * @return A vector will all certificates for this key. 

    * @brief Get the type of the queried public key 
    * @note KeyType is also available from PublicKey instance. 
    *         This method is more efficient if only KeyType is needed. 
    * @param keyName The name of the requested public key 
    * @return the type of the key. If the queried key does not exist, KEY_TYPE_NULL will be returned 
   virtual KeyType 
   getPublicKeyType(const Name& keyName) 

    * @brief Add a certificate to the identity storage. 
    * It will add the corresponding public key and identity if they do not exist 
    * @param certificate The certificate to be added 
   addCertificate(const IdentityCertificate& certificate) 

    * @brief Delete a certificate 
    * @param certificateName The certificate name 
   deleteCertificateInfo(const Name& certificateName) 

    * @brief Add a certificate into the public key identity storage and set the certificate as the 
    *          default one of the default identity 
    * @param certificate The certificate to be added 
    * @throws SecPublicInfo::Error if the certificate cannot be added (though it is really rare) 
   addCertificateAsSystemDefault(const IdentityCertificate& certificate); 

