From 04/19/2015 to 05/18/2015
- 01:58 PM Feature #2531: LocalControlHeader
- Since NFD will soon change to use the NDNLPv2 header instead of the current LocalControlHeader, so wait to implement ...
- 01:34 PM Feature #2075: The library should have an API to inform the application when the connection is lost to the forwarder
- I will do some experiments where the library throws a specific exception when the connection is dropped.
- 11:06 AM Task #1626: Track ndn-cxx security API for in-memory data signing keys
- The new abstractions for Identity Key Certificate has been completed in issue #2451. This includes InMemoryPib which ...
- 11:03 AM Task #1626: Track ndn-cxx security API for in-memory data signing keys
- Moving this to NDN-CCL since it affects all libraries and the security API.
- 01:54 PM Task #2624 (In Progress): Deprecate ndnx packet format support, remove in a later release
- In all libraries, documented deprecated methods. Added public static bool WireFormat.ENABLE_NDNX and throw an excepti...
- 03:07 PM Task #2579 (Closed): Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- As part of implementing setInterestFilter for feature #2566, the onInterest callback was changed to use a Face instea...
- 03:03 PM Feature #2567 (Closed): InterestFilter abstraction
- InterestFilter was implemented as part of feature #2566.
- 03:01 PM Feature #2566 (Closed): Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- Updated in all libraries.
- 09:19 AM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- Updated NDN-CPP and PyNDN.
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