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Junxiao Shi, 01/18/2014 09:56 PM

NFD code style guidelines

NFD adopts NDN Platform C++, C, C#, Java and JavaScript Code Guidelines, with the following exceptions:

  • (amended 10). Global variables should have g_ prefix
  • (amended 11). All class variables should have m_ prefix. Static class variables should have s_ prefix.
  • (amended 33). We will use only .cpp and .hpp extensions
  • (amended 44). Avoid C-style casts. Use static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, const_cast where appropriate instead.
  • (new). Exceptions can be used in the code, but should be used only in exceptional cases and not in the primary processing path.
  • (new). When declaring/defining function/method, the return type should be put on a separate line before function/method name.

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 11 years ago · 28 revisions