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Alex Afanasyev, 01/21/2014 04:54 PM
Config file format¶
Initial state of NFD daemon is configured using the configuration file in YAML format. The following shows an example configuration:
# NFD configuration file sample with explanation
# NFD uses YAML format configuration file.
pidfile: /var/run/
listeners: # define listeners
unix: # name of listener, must be unique, to be referenced in other sections
proto: unix # underlying protocol
path: /var/run/nfd.sock # (UNIX) path
face_auth: false # whether to require face authentication on new clients
proto: tcp
port: 6363 # (TCP) listen port
face_auth: true
proto: udp
port: 6363 # (UDP) listen port
face_auth: false
proto: udp
port: 56363
face_auth: false
proto: ether
dev: eth1 # (Ethernet) local NIC
wire: ndnlp # wire protocol
face_auth: false
faces: # define outgoing faces
proto: tcp
host: # (TCP or UDP) remote host
port: 6363 # (TCP or UDP) remote port
prefix: # forward prefix registrations
- /example
reverse_prefix: # reverse perfix registrations
- /example/hub1/home2
listener_key: udp_mcast
mcast_group: # multicast group; mutually exclusive with host
port: 6363
listener_key: ether
host: 01:01:01:01:01:01 # (Ethernet) remote host
strategy: # define forwarding strategy for namespace
/: # namespace
original # strategy name
/example/broadcast: # namespace
bcast # strategy name
Updated by Alex Afanasyev about 11 years ago · 18 revisions