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Muktadir Chowdhury, 02/27/2015 06:27 AM

NLSR Management

NLSR Management provides:

  • command to add(advertise) routes to name prefix list
  • command to remove(withdraw) routes to name prefix list

1. Control Commands

Add a name prefix

command-verb: advertise

This command adds a name prefix to the name prefix list. This command can be accepted on ndn:/localhost/nlsr/routeUpdate prefix.

Control Parameters

  • Name (required)

Remove a name prefix

command-verb: withdraw

This command removes a name prefix from the name prefix list. This command can be accepted on ndn:/localhost/nlsr/routeUpdate prefix.

Control Parameters

  • Name (required)

2. Request format

NLSR control commands are signed interests, whose name has the following form: /<prefix>/<management-module>/<command-verb>/<control-parameters>/<signed-interests-components>

  • <prefix> is /localhost/nlsr. Each individual command may specify additional prefixes under which that command could be accepted.
  • <management-module>is the name of management module to which the command needs to be dispatched. For example, the name of the management module of the task I’m doing now would be routeUpdate.
  • <command-verb> is the command to be executed. For this task this would be either withdraw or advertise.
  • is a ControlParameters TLV block wrapped in a NameComponent.
  • are four additional components defined by [ndn-cxx:SignedInterest|Signed Interest] spec. So, putting everything together, the complete name of a command interest would be localhost/nlsr/routeUpdate/advertise or localhost/nlsr/routeUpdate/withdraw

2. Response Format

A response from the command interface is a Data that matches the request Interest. The payload of this Data is a ControlResponse block.

##StatusCode: Going to use the codes that has been used by nfd-control-command.
StatusCode | Description
200 | OK
400 | ControlParameters is incorrect
403 | Command Interest is not authorized
501 | Module or verb is not supported

Updated by Muktadir Chowdhury about 10 years ago · 44 revisions