Task #2021
closedExtend MetaInfo abstraction to allow application-specific TLVs
Start date:
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This change does not (strictly speaking) violate the protocol, rather than just extends what MetaInfo block holds.
Interface for this extension:
partial MetaInfo {
* @brief Get all app-defined MetaInfo items
const std::list<Block>&
getAppMetaInfo() const;
* @brief Set app-defined MetaInfo items
* This method will replace all existing app-defined MetaInfo items, if they existed.
setAppMetaInfo(const std::list<Block>& info);
* @brief Add an app-defined MetaInfo item
* Note that only one
addAppMetaInfo(const Block& block);
* @brief Remove a first app-defined MetaInfo item with type @param tlvType
* @return true if an item was deleted
removeAppMetaInfo(uint32_t tlvType);
* @brief Find a first app-defined MetaInfo item of type @param tlvType
* @return NULL if an item is not found, otherwise const pointer to the item
const Block*
findAppMetaInfo(uint32_t tlvType) const;
Updated by Junxiao Shi over 10 years ago
This feature is violating the protocol:
MetaInfo definition does not permit any other TLV except those in the definition, and TLV structure does not permit arbitrary elements to be injected.
In addition, I disagree with allowing application-specific elements in MetaInfo.
Those elements need not be understood by the network, so they can be placed as part of Content.
Updated by Junxiao Shi over 10 years ago
- Start date deleted (
20141003 conference call agrees to go with this feature for experiment only.
It may be merged to master under the following conditions:
- Application-specific TLVs can appear at the back of MetaInfo. TLV-TYPE must be in application range.
- On the APIs, mark: "\note Warning: This API is not finalized; it may change or disappear in the future."
- lazy decoding: don't decode until application-specific TLVs are needed.
Updated by Alex Afanasyev over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Code review to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100