Bug #2316
closedJenkins: FATAL: java.io.IOException: Remote call on OSX-10.9-64bit-ucla-mavericks-10010 failed
All Jenkins builds are failing with error:
FATAL: java.io.IOException: Remote call on OSX-10.9-64bit-ucla-mavericks-10010 failed
Updated by Yi Huang about 10 years ago
I did a quick check on three of three ubuntu slaves running on maestro. Didn't find anything wrong. slave.jar is running, ssh does not have a problem as well. Not sure what happened. Retriggering the job does not help. Since the exception saying something about a slave in ucla, Alex, can you check what is happening on that particular slave?
Updated by Yi Huang about 10 years ago
Looks like it is related to that single slave. I manually marked that slave () offline and retriggered the build, looks like the problem is gone. However, the build is still not successful due to configuration error. I believe that error is not caused by the slaves.
Updated by Yi Huang about 10 years ago
BTW, the build that I retriggered but still failed is ndn-cxx build #1737
Updated by Yi Huang about 10 years ago
Yi Huang wrote:
Looks like it is related to that single slave. I manually marked that slave (OSX-10.9-64bit-ucla-mavericks-10010) offline and retriggered the build, looks like the problem is gone. However, the build is still not successful due to configuration error. I believe that error is not caused by the slaves.
Updated by Alex Afanasyev about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Only thing was needed to disconnect/connect the slave.