Bug #2575
openUnspecified fields should not be present in packets
Current implementation, does not follow the semantics of NDN packet format, where by default interests request any data. Only when MustBeFresh is explicitly specified, this interest can be matched against fresh data.
Updated by Jeff Burke about 10 years ago
This requires deprecating AnswerOriginKind support in NDN-CCL (or at least jNDN) and phasing out the NDNx packet format support. This is a good approach for us to consider with jNDN but needs some discussion. I've already proposed a process to handle this but received no reply. Please reply to my email of 10/10/14 (reforwarded 10/26/14 and 1/12/15) to kick this off...
Updated by Alex Afanasyev about 10 years ago
This issue is NOT CCL and has limited relation to "deprecating" of other packet support: why if I didn't specify MustBeFresh selector it suddenly appears in my Interest packet?
Updated by Jeff Burke about 10 years ago
So, if the field is unspecified, it should not show up in the Interest at all? (This is fine, but is this part of the ndn-tlv specification?)
Updated by Jeff Burke about 10 years ago
- Copied to Bug #2628: Default value for Interest.Selectors.MustBeFresh should be false added
Updated by Jeff Burke about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Default value for Interest.Selectors.MustBeFresh should be false to Unspecified fields should not be present in packets
Updated by Alex Afanasyev about 10 years ago
Why is it assigned to me?
The only logical way is to not include something into packets if it wasn't specified by the application (e.g., we don't put scope if it wasn't present, we don't add lifetime if it wasn't changed, we don't add selectors if nothing was selected). What else needs to be specified?