Bug #2625
closedwscript uses syntax not compatible with python3
wscript uses has_key
, which is removed in python3. As a result, configure stage fails:
[cawka@alex NFD (master)]$ python3.4 waf configure
Setting top to : /Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD
Setting out to : /Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/build
Checking for 'clang++' (C++ compiler) : /usr/bin/clang++
Checking supported CXXFLAGS : -std=c++11 -Wno-error=unneeded-internal-declaration -Wno-error=deprecated-register -stdlib=libc++
Checking supported LINKFLAGS : -stdlib=libc++
Checking supported CXXFLAGS : -pedantic -Wall -O2 -g
Checking for program 'doxygen' : /opt/local/bin/doxygen
Checking for program 'tar' : /usr/bin/tar
Checking for program 'sphinx-build' : /opt/local/bin/sphinx-build
Checking for std::is_default_constructible : yes
Checking for std::is_move_constructible : yes
Checking for override specifier : yes
Checking for program 'bash' : /opt/local/bin/bash
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/.waf3-1.8.5-d178df7a9bb732db109001d6b461550f/waflib/Scripting.py", line 103, in waf_entry_point
File "/Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/.waf3-1.8.5-d178df7a9bb732db109001d6b461550f/waflib/Scripting.py", line 164, in run_commands
File "/Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/.waf3-1.8.5-d178df7a9bb732db109001d6b461550f/waflib/Scripting.py", line 155, in run_command
File "/Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/.waf3-1.8.5-d178df7a9bb732db109001d6b461550f/waflib/Configure.py", line 92, in execute
File "/Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/.waf3-1.8.5-d178df7a9bb732db109001d6b461550f/waflib/Context.py", line 92, in execute
File "/Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/.waf3-1.8.5-d178df7a9bb732db109001d6b461550f/waflib/Context.py", line 133, in recurse
File "/Users/cawka/Devel/ndn/NFD/wscript", line 71, in configure
if not os.environ.has_key('PKG_CONFIG_PATH'):
AttributeError: '_Environ' object has no attribute 'has_key'
Updated by Tai-Lin Chu about 10 years ago
- Estimated time changed from 0.01 h to 0.01 h
Updated by Tai-Lin Chu about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Code review
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Estimated time changed from 0.01 h to 0.01 h
Updated by Alex Afanasyev almost 10 years ago
- Category set to Build
- Target version set to v0.4
- Estimated time changed from 0.01 h to 0.01 h
Updated by Alex Afanasyev almost 10 years ago
- Subject changed from make waf build script compatible with python3 to wscript uses syntax not compatible with python3
- Description updated (diff)
- Estimated time changed from 0.01 h to 0.01 h
Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Code review to Closed
- Estimated time deleted (
0.01 h)