Bug #2697
closedTestFibUpdates/EraseFace test suite fails on Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit
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Entering test case "WithInheritedFace"
../tests/rib/fib-updates-erase-face.t.cpp(78): fatal error in "WithInheritedFace": critical check updates.size() == 2 failed [1 != 2]
Leaving test case "WithInheritedFace"; testing time: 33334mks
Entering test case "MultipleFaces"
../tests/rib/fib-updates-erase-face.t.cpp(108): error in "MultipleFaces": check update->cost == 10 failed [0 != 10]
../tests/rib/fib-updates-erase-face.t.cpp(109): error in "MultipleFaces": check update->action == FibUpdate::ADD_NEXTHOP failed [1 != 0]
Leaving test case "MultipleFaces"; testing time: 15671mks
Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 10 years ago
At least part of this Bug was introduced by commit:76c751ce80109cd429cd45d32a04015f7715546b of #1941.
Build 2674 for the parent of this commit succeeds on Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit, but Build 2673 for this commit fails, although it only fails in "MultipleFaces" but not in "WithInheritedFace".
Back then Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit was temporarily taken off due to operational issues.
Updated by Vince Lehman almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Code review
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
Updated by Vince Lehman almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Code review to Closed