



Task #3205


Reduce usage of shared_ptr in forwarding

Added by Junxiao Shi over 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
6.00 h


In forwarding pipelines and strategy API, change shared_ptr parameters to constant or mutable reference parameters, wherever it's feasible.

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to NFD - Task #3164: Reduce usage of shared_ptr in FIB/PIT/StrategyChoice/MeasurementsClosedJunxiao Shi

Related to NFD - Feature #3664: Incoming Nack pipeline: consider Link during FIB lookupClosedJunxiao Shi

Related to NFD - Feature #3679: Decouple Forwarder and FaceTableClosedJunxiao Shi07/19/2016

Actions #1

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 9 years ago

  • Related to Task #3164: Reduce usage of shared_ptr in FIB/PIT/StrategyChoice/Measurements added
Actions #2

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • Related to Feature #3664: Incoming Nack pipeline: consider Link during FIB lookup added
Actions #3

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Junxiao Shi
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20 deletes fibEntry parameter in strategy APIs.

Strategy can call const fib::Entry& Strategy::lookupFib(const pit::Entry&) to lookup FIB when necessary.

The benefits are:

  • Strategy can always access the latest effective FIB entry.
  • Strategy doesn't need to retain a FIB entry reference, saving a bit of memory.
  • If a strategy trigger doesn't use the FIB entry, ContentStore miss pipeline or incoming Nack pipeline doesn't need to perform FIB lookup, eliminating an obvious waste.

NFD devguide will be updated at the end.

Actions #4

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 40 changes FaceTable::get return type to Face*. changes FaceTable::const_iterator to dereference to Face&. changes FaceTable::afterAdd and FaceTable::beforeRemove signals to pass Face& as parameter.

FaceTable will continue to use shared_ptr<Face> because face ownership is also retained by the channel or protocol factory that creates the face.

I don't intend to change this ownership model.

Actions #5

Updated by Davide Pesavento over 8 years ago

Junxiao Shi wrote:

FaceTable will continue to use shared_ptr<Face> because face ownership is also retained by the channel or protocol factory that creates the face.

I don't intend to change this ownership model.

Makes sense.

Actions #6

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • Related to Feature #3679: Decouple Forwarder and FaceTable added
Actions #7

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

Performance comparison for shared_ptr reduction commits so far:

before: ndn-cxx:commit:6b872a93ba573fbf696e3a5d19d757de2362cd63 nfd:commit:b260017fec141f0834f14a914b042318cadca786

after: ndn-cxx:commit:b3015bdfb7afda4caca5b6caac214e48aeb4baf5 nfd:commit:38f4ce9f256ecee6ede456998083ffbbbcf1684c

benchmark before after
CS find(miss)-insert 400000 22417ms 16838ms
CS insert-find(hit) 400000 23503ms 17381ms
CS find(leftmost) 200000 1301ms 227ms
CS find(rightmost) 200000 1374ms 321ms
PIT+FIB simple exchanges 9846ms 10185ms

I'm unsure why CS benchmarks are improving, given none of the changes touch the CS.

There isn't significant difference in PIT+FIB benchmark results, although I have improved FIB a little bit.

Actions #8

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 40 to 50 changes shared_ptr<pit::Entry> (pass-by-value) parameters on strategy triggers to const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>&.

As quoted in #1912-6, const shared_ptr<>& is suitable when it's unsure whether shared ownership would be retained.

In the case of strategy triggers, although strategies must not retain shared_ptr<pit::Entry> after the trigger function returns, they are allowed to keep weak_ptr<pit::Entry> for timers or similar purpose.
However, only a small subset of strategy triggers keep weak_ptr<pit::Entry>, so this fits the guideline of "unsure whether shared ownership would be retained".

Actions #9

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 70 changes shared_ptr<pit::Entry> parameters in Forwarder pipelines and Strategy actions to const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>&.
Helper functions in Forwarder accepts either const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& if it would call into strategy, or pit::Entry& if it would not call into strategy. avoids storing shared_ptr<pit::Entry> in StrategyTester.

Actions #10

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Code review
  • % Done changed from 70 to 100 avoids shared_ptr in StrategyInfoHost.

The remaining usages of shared_ptr in forwarding are:

  • shared_ptr<pit::Entry> is used in pipelines, because strategy may need to retain weak_ptr<pit::Entry> for timers
  • shared_ptr<Face> is used in FaceTable, which is justified in note-4
  • shared_ptr<subclass-of-Tag> is used in ClientControlStrategy; this API is under control of ndn-cxx
Actions #11

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

There has been a suggestion that Strategy triggers can be wrapped, so that if a strategy implementation mistakenly retains a shared_ptr<pit::Entry>, it would hit an assertion error.
However, wrapping triggers are insufficient, because a strategy could retain a weak_ptr<pit::Entry> from a trigger, and then lock it into a shared_ptr<pit::Entry> and retain that in a timer.
Thus, I decide not to make that change.

Actions #12

Updated by Davide Pesavento over 8 years ago

Junxiao Shi wrote:

There has been a suggestion that Strategy triggers can be wrapped, so that if a strategy implementation mistakenly retains a shared_ptr<pit::Entry>, it would hit an assertion error.
However, wrapping triggers are insufficient, because a strategy could retain a weak_ptr<pit::Entry> from a trigger, and then lock it into a shared_ptr<pit::Entry> and retain that in a timer.
Thus, I decide not to make that change.

Yes, of course. As long as we're giving strategies direct access to a weak_ptr, there will always be a way to circumvent any checks we might add. Moreover, this "wrapping" requires some amount of refactoring... so it's probably best to spend our time designing and implementing a "PIT entry handle" class that really limits what strategies can do with the entry. (btw do we have a redmine ticket for this task?)

Actions #13

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Code review to Closed
Actions #14

Updated by Davide Pesavento over 8 years ago

The NFD Developer's Guide still refers to setStrategyInfo, that doesn't exist anymore since commit fc021864608d9235c6baa4712fb15221cd2af842.

Actions #15

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 8 years ago

nfd-docs:commit:befb69df08c91954fcfbb5d742d0b2d782f41f79 corrects documentation according to note-14.


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