Bug #3448
closedRetrieval of data using full name
Please reject the issue if it is my misunderstanding.
Does the retrieval of data using full name (e.g., with the implicit digest) supported by libraries (e.g., jNDN)?
Updated by Jeff Burke about 9 years ago
(Can you point to current ndn-cxx behavior for equiv functionality?)
Updated by Jeff Burke about 9 years ago
Will update after retreat discussion on implicit digest.
Updated by Alex Afanasyev about 9 years ago
I'm a little bit confused. We have the implicit digest and we had agreed on the specific form it is encoded. What other discussions needed?
Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Anonymous
Matching on the Data packet full name is not supported. The search through the PIT uses Interest.matchesData:
Interest.matchesData and the related unit tests are ported from ndn-cxx: