



Bug #4624


Preparation folder incorrectly collected with logs in Vagrant environments

Added by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Integration Tests
Target version:
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% Done:


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As reported in #4379 note 6, the Vagrant testing script is incorrectly capturing the prepare folder when collecting logs, causing several gigabytes of source code, intermediate files, libraries, and
executables to be copied with the logs. These should be excluded from the Vagrant log collection script.


4774-1.find-logs.txt (2.4 KB) 4774-1.find-logs.txt Junxiao Shi, 05/31/2018 09:15 AM
4774-2.find-logs.txt (1.14 KB) 4774-2.find-logs.txt Junxiao Shi, 06/05/2018 07:51 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to NFD - Bug #4411: awk warning from collect-logs.shClosedEric Newberry

Actions #1

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #2

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Code review
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I realized that the simplest way to accomplish this is to delete the prepare directory from the template VM after all packages are installed.

I also modified the log collection script to prevent it from re-collecting the logs directory in the event the integration tests are run twice in the same directory.

Actions #3

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 7 years ago

Change 4774 patchset 1 does not work as claimed.
logs/*/install_helpers/tools/* binaries are collected but they shouldn't.

I also suggest fixing #4411 together as both problems are in the same script.

Actions #4

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

Junxiao Shi wrote:

Change 4774 patchset 1 does not work as claimed.
logs/*/install_helpers/tools/* binaries are collected but they shouldn't.

Nitpick: I never claimed it didn't collect files in this path, only the prepare and logs directories. However, this is a good observation and will be corrected in the next patchset.

I also suggest fixing #4411 together as both problems are in the same script.

That's a good idea. I'll integrate that with the next patchset.

Actions #5

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4411: awk warning from added
Actions #6

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 7 years ago

Actions #7

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

The fix to this issue actually broke log collection. It now excludes every folder named "logs*", which means that most logs are excluded from collection. This can be fixed by changing the relevant exclude to "./logs*" in the tar command in I'm planning to fix this in the commit for #4379.


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