


Task #1387

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago

Create a script to automate the integrating test for simple ndn-status and other applications that may be used for integrating test. 

 From the test overview: 

 * Test nfd-status. This is important since nfd-status is used to observe NFD behavior, we should make sure nfd-status works correctly. The basic step we could think of to test nfd-status is to freshly start an NFD and run nfd-status then see whether it produces the expected result. 
 * Test other applications. We are using different applications such as peek/poke/ndn-tlv-ping/ndn-traffic-generator in the integrating tests. These applications need to be tested as well. The very basic test for these applications is to run both side on the same host and see whether they works. 

 The actual test might not follow the above suggestion. When there is a better plan, update this description.
