



Task #1387


Test peek, poke, ping, traffic-client, traffic-server

Added by Yi Huang almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Integration Tests
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Create a script to automate the integrating test for simple applications that may be used for integrating test.

From the test overview:

  • Test nfd-status. This is important since nfd-status is used to observe NFD behavior, we should make sure nfd-status works correctly. The basic step we could think of to test nfd-status is to freshly start an NFD and run nfd-status then see whether it produces the expected result.
  • Test other applications. We are using different applications such as peek/poke/ndn-tlv-ping/ndn-traffic-generator in the integrating tests. These applications need to be tested as well. The very basic test for these applications is to run both side on the same host and see whether they works.

The actual test might not follow the above suggestion. When there is a better plan, update this description.

Actions #1

Updated by Jerald Paul Abraham almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

I have completed manually testing the following:

 ndn-tlv-ping           :  TEST SUCCESSFUL
                           (commit ref  - 4565d4d0b280e4c56ca5bd1d5b6a9b4ebd7fafdf)
                           (commit time - Thu Mar 20 20:32:30 2014 -0700)

 ndn-tlv-peek           :  TEST SUCCESSFUL
                           (commit ref  - 20b2dc5db2fe120e83ebfb5658aae6d789354fac)
                           (commit time - Sat Mar 15 22:17:57 2014 -0700)

 ndn-tlv-poke           :  TEST SUCCESSFUL
                           (commit ref  - 8d840000e9bbc19ff7bba6ecae01a4dd3d656dfc)
                           (commit time - Sun Mar 16 19:52:09 2014 -0700)

 ndn-traffic-generator  :  TEST SUCCESSFUL
                           (commit ref  - fda32a3f278d81fb5c6920b91d655fbffcdd52e2)
                           (commit time - Thu Mar 20 10:50:00 2014 -0700)

Yet to test the new nfd-status

  1. Also making a simple python based integration test setup which would automate this testing.
  2. There will be a main file which would test all the apps and there are folders which will contain setUp(), tearDown() and testing functions for each of the apps.
  3. This would be useful and trying to make this so that any further integration tests can be added incrementally as test case folders to this.
Actions #2

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 11 years ago

nfd-status cannot be tested by itself. It should be tested in #1388.

Actions #3

Updated by Jerald Paul Abraham almost 11 years ago

As part of the automated testing, I am just checking if these apps run on a single host and exit with 0 status.

For ndn-tlv-peek and ndn-tlv-poke the exit status is properly returned.

For ndn-tlv-ping, I will change this app so that it returns an exit status 1 in case any data loss happens.

For ndn-traffic generator, I will change this app so that it returns an exit status 1 in case any data loss or data inconsistency occurs.

For nfd-status, I will change this app so that it returns an exit status 1 in case a time-out for any of its retrievals.

Proper exit status will help in automating all our integration tests.

As you have mentioned, the correctness check of nfd-status is best to be done in a separate task.

Actions #4

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from Test nfd-status and other applications that may be used for integrating test to Test peek, poke, ping, traffic-client, traffic-server
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by Jerald Paul Abraham almost 11 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 90

Issue While Automating With ndn-tlv-peek.
No issues automating tests for all other tools.

Python repository is under review and will be merged soon to Gerrit.

Actions #6

Updated by Jerald Paul Abraham almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Code review
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

Test Cases test-ndntraffic, test-ndnping and test-ndnpeekpoke have been submitted for review to Gerrit integration-tests repository merge.

Actions #7

Updated by Jerald Paul Abraham almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Code review to Closed

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