


Task #5173

Updated by Davide Pesavento almost 3 years ago

Currently, the public API available to forwarding strategies is fairly inconsistent wrt the order of function parameters. This is true for both actions and triggers. 
 For instance, to sent an Interest we have: 

 sendInterest(pit entry, egress face, interest packet) 

 but for Data the order is different: 

 sendData(pit entry, data packet, egress face) 

 and similarly for triggers, e.g., compare the following function signatures: 

 afterReceiveInterest (ingress,     afterReceiveInterest(ingress, interest packet, pit entry) 
 afterReceiveData       (pit afterReceiveData(pit entry, ingress,           data packet) 
 beforeSatisfyInterest(pit entry, ingress,           data packet) 
 afterReceiveNack       (ingress,     nack packet,       pit entry) 

 We'd like to make the API a bit more uniform and internally consistent by following this general ordering of the parameters for actions and triggers: function parameters: 
 * packet (Interest or Data) 
 * face (ingress or egress) 
 * pit entry 
 * any other additional parameters
